C# Basics-Type Casting in C# (C#-8)



Type casting is the process of converting a value from one data type to another. In this blog post, we will explore what type casting is, how it works, and when it is necessary.

Data types in C#

C# is a statically typed language, meaning that every variable and expression must have a type known at compile-time. C# supports several built-in data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, Booleans, and more. Each data type has a specific range of values and operations that can be performed on it as we discussed in the previous post.

Two types of conversions

C# supports two types of type conversions: implicit and explicit. 


Implicit type conversion occurs automatically when a value of one data type is assigned to a variable of another data type that can represent a larger range of values. For example, assigning an int value to a double variable is an implicit conversion because double can represent a larger range of values than int.


Explicit type conversion, also known as type casting, is a manual process of converting a value of one data type to another data type that cannot be done implicitly. For example, converting a double value to an int value requires an explicit conversion because some information may be lost in the process.

Syntax of type casting

To perform type casting in C#, we use the cast operator, which is represented by parentheses enclosing the target data type. Here is an example:


An integer variable num1 is declared and initialized with the value of 5. Then, the integer value of num1 is assigned to a double variable num2, which can store floating-point values. Since num2 can store more precise values than num1, the implicit type conversion is performed automatically. Finally, the value of num2 is printed to the console using the Console.WriteLine() method.


A double variable num3 is declared and initialized with the value of 5.5. Then, the double value of num3 is explicitly converted to an integer value by using the cast operator (int). The resulting integer value is assigned to an integer variable num4, which can only store whole numbers. Since the value of num3 is a floating-point value, explicit type casting is necessary to truncate the decimal part of the value. Finally, the value of num4 is printed to the console using the Console.WriteLine() method.

When to use type casting

Type casting is necessary when we need to convert one value data type's value to another. Here are some examples of when type casting is required:

  1. When performing arithmetic operations on values of different data types.
  2. When calling a method that expects a value of a different data type than the one we have.
  3. When reading data from a file or a database that is in a different data type than the one we need.


Type casting is a fundamental concept in C# programming. It is the process of converting a value from one data type to another. C# supports two types of type conversions: implicit and explicit. Implicit type conversion occurs automatically when a value of one data type is assigned to a variable of another data type that can represent a larger range of values. Explicit type conversion, also known as type casting, is a manual process of converting a value of one data type to another data type that cannot be done implicitly. We use the cast operator to perform type casting in C#. Type casting is necessary when we need to convert one data type's value to another.

Thank you catch you at the next one😍

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